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International Women’s Day 2024

We Will Lead The WayIWD 2024 - Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress Web bannerInvest in Women – Accelerate Progress! 

This is a call to action and a reminder that gender equality is one of the most effective ways to build healthier, more prosperous, and more inclusive communities.  

We all have a role to play in building a future where everyone can reach their full potential.  

It is time to act – because women’s success is everyone’s success.



I am a personal coach and a group facilitator.  This is  my vocation, done during my whole career as a civil servant and as a volunteer on various boards and committees.  I am lucky to have found such fulfilling work. 

Many other women in Canada and abroad struggle to support themselves, and their families, by working under harsh conditions, for poor wages, taking a toll on their physical and mental well being. 

It is time for women to lead the way.  



Alice Walker says it best – Calling All Grandmothers

We have to live differently or we will die

In the same old ways

Therefore I call on all Grandmothers

Everywhere on the planet

To rise and take your place

In the leadership of the world.

Come out of the kitchen

Out of the fields

Out of the beauty parlours

Out of the television

Step forward and assume the role

For which you were created

To lead humanity

To health, happiness

and sanity

I call on all Grandmothers of the Earth

And every person

Who possesses the Grandmother spirit

Of respect for life and protection of the young

To rise and lead

The life of our species depends on it


I call on all men of the Earth

To gracefully

And gratefully

Stand aside

And let them

(let us) do so. 





Posted in General

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