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The Coach

Bold Change Coaching is owned and facilitated by Heather Oxman.

She was born into small business, helping her parents run a general store, gas station and post office in small town Alberta.

Since then, she has over 25 years experience within the federal government in Parks Canada, and with the nonprofit sector. 

Previous Experience

After graduation from University, and a stint as a Respiratory Therapist, Ms. Oxman then worked as an interpreter at Elk Island National Park, where she worked to establish the Friends of Elk Island cooperating association.

Her work with volunteers and non-profits included delivering a pioneering federal government-wide risk management policy for volunteer programs. 

In Parks Canada’s national office, Ms. Oxman was involved with teams delivering public education, communication planning, business planning, strategic planning, customer relationship management, service excellence, volunteer management, partnering policy development and training, and facilitation.

She taught Strategic and Operational Planning for Non-Profit Managers at Algonquin College, in Ottawa.

Ms.Oxman also worked with the United Way‘s Leadership Development Program, delivering workshops to a variety of non-profit boards and staff. 

She managed Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump World Heritage Site during the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) period, and allayed the concerns of local ranchers about foreign visitors bringing infection to the range, while also helping develop a larger sales outlet and cafeteria and improving exhibits for that site.

Current Activities

These days, Ms. Oxman volunteers in Lethbridge with various organizations, namely the Galt Museum & Archives and Fort Whoop Up Interpretive Centre, and the Advocacy and Education national committees of Canadian Federation of University Women. Additionally, she also served for a period of time with the Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs and Open Arms Patient Advocacy Society. 

Volunteers and Non-Profit Organizations

As you can see, for most of her life, she was involved in the voluntary sector: • as a volunteer; • a volunteer coordinator; • a policy maker; and also • working with non-profit organizations locally and at a national level.

Heather Oxman advised or worked directly in various sectors with non-profits. For example, some of those areas included: heritage presentation and preservation; children’s theatre; social welfare; health and wellness; public education; patient advocacy; LGBTQ rights; as well as women’s rights.

Coaching and Learning

Her experience does not limit her learning.  Ms. Oxman is a certified Human Systems Dynamics Professional and, as such, applies the tools and methods of adaptive action, inquiry, and pattern recognition to new challenging situations presented by groups and individuals.  As a coach, her natural coaching mentality is simple, direct, and based on questions, rather than on answers.

From Clients and Peers

  • In my real job, I am a facilitator.  I am learning so much from your talent as a coach, facilitator and learner.  I truly do enjoy the sessions, you could be coaching/ facilitating any subject. You have great skills and you have such a genuine way of making us all feel we should and need to move!  – Audrey Hobbs Johnson, BC Council, Canadian Federation of University Women, and Learning Forward Foundation Past Chair, Academy Lead, Innovation Think Tank Challenge
  • It’s always a pleasure to work with Heather; she is knowledgeable, calm, organized and insightful…she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her work. – Kathryn Wilkinson, CFUW National President



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